Strona 1 z 1


: ndz 24 sty 2021, 11:33
autor: bmen
1. Could u let me know why i need to unlock token for LIMIT order? i already unlocked for spot USDT.
2. if i set the LIMIT order and use GAS standard, what gas will be used if transaction will take place? actual market or specified at the time of limit order?
3. if i set limit order my 1ich web must be opened all the time, or i can see it in different PCs and browsers ?

1. Limit order section use different smart contract so unlocks is different.
2. it doesn't matter what gas in your setting. Limit order executed by another person (or a bot) and he will decide how much gas to pay. You don't pay for it, except for initial unlock (and cancellation also require on-chain transaction)

Limit orders on 1inch is interface to set up orders on 0xMesh network. Orders are visible at 1inch and 0x API, so arbitrage bots will arbitrage them to other DEXes. There is no expenses for a maker to create a limit order except for "unlock" transaction of a token. All gas expenses will be paid by taker. Cancellations come with a cost, so it's best to limit them with a deadline so you don't have to manually cancel them. There is no guarantee that order will be filled if market price just touch your target price, there must be profit for arbitragers to execute your order and pay for gas fees. So limit orders are usually filled after a price overlap.It might cost something like 15-30 usd in gas fees for a taker to take your order, so small orders might be left unfulfilled.Be careful with the price when creating an order - if you make a mistake, the order can be executed immediately, you will not have time to correct the mistake.
If you use your funds elsewhere with an active limit order - the order will be removed from 0x and from our interface, but if you then return the funds to your wallet, it can be executed by bots that saved it before transferring funds. It's best to be careful before the order deadline has expired.
The order can be partially executed.If you see in our interface that the order is 99.99% complete, it means that it is fully completed, you no longer need to manually cancel it. We will fix this shortly.

Q: What does ot mean?
There is no expenses for a maker to create a limit order except for "unlock" transaction of a token. All gas expenses will be paid by taker.
So i set limit order let say for usdt/fuse, i will pay setup fee, as maker. Taker is the one who will sell to me, and he will pay gas?

A: There is no expenses for a YOU to create a limit order except for "unlock" transaction of a token. All gas expenses will be paid by taker.

Q: Cancellations come with a cost, so it's best to limit them with a deadline so you don't have to manually cancel them.
so if i set 7d, after 7days the order will cancel without any gas fees? but cancelation before 7d would cose me gas fee?

A: i will pay setup fee, as maker. - there is no setup fee, only unlock for a contract

so if i set 7d, after 7days the order will cancel without any gas fees? - yes. without any gas fees
but cancelation before 7d would cose me gas fee? - yes

so if i do limit order for example usdt/ dai at 0.8 the only cost to (if the order is filled) will be only to unlock the contract?

what is 0.8? do not sell your usdt for 0.8 dai

the only cost to (if the order is filled) will be only to unlock - Yes

Do not use them as "Stop-loss"

I mean do not create an order to sell a token cheaper than current market price

Q: do i need to unlock the usdt for every limit order or one unlimited is ok?

do i need to unlock the usdt for every limit order or one unlimited is ok? - one unlimited is ok

Q: i would like ask sth about spot trade.
this example picture so would be easier to ask.


1. based on what external web you use to value cryptos? like 2000 usdt = 2021 usd
2. the value i get would be 1938 USD,
this (-4.1%) is price slippage or what?
How this relates to 3% default slippage set below in settings?
3. Does Estimated fee (22.94) includes both gas fee (eth network fee) and liquidity pool fee ( if the case is UNISwap 0.3%)?
4. do i need to change slippage to 5% in order to transaction is successful?

A: make a decision based only on the number of tokens, the dollar estimate is approximate and given for general understanding

Does Estimated fee (22.94) includes both gas fee (eth network fee) and liquidity pool fee ( if the case is UNISwap 0.3%)? - no, it is approximate gas fee.

pool fees already included in output. you see amount of tokens you will receive (if market is not movings while your tx is still pending)

do i need to change slippage to 5% in order to transaction is successful? - NO, it is up to you

the minus you see in dollar valuation here - it is not a slippage

it is how much our estimate of input tokens cost more than output tokens. But use it is approximate and given for general understanding.

Q: ok. this means that the slippage (3%) appy to the final price 1metrrc = 0.2253 usdt?
how u estiamte this (-4.1%) based on the liquidity pool fees and pool liqudity?

A: We just calculate output AMOUNT of tokens and think that dollar valuation is less by 4.1%
It is not slippage!
"slippage tolerance" in settings - how less you agree to receive in a result. if price on a market changing against you while tx is still pending

Q: but the the current price on the market is youe estimation?
like 2000 usdt = 8875 Metric ? right?
and final amount woul be +/- 3% on 8875?

A: I don't understand your questions. If you see that we gave 8875 metric in a result and agree with that - then confirm, otherwise - don't

Q: could u check my limit order example?
what i want to do is:
buy 10000 METRIC for 1000 USDT
currently 1 USDt = 4.91 Metric.
but i want to buy at 1 USDT = 10 metric.

looks ok. check on confirmation screen.

Q: ok. and the only gas i would pay would be to unlock contract.

A: yes.


Q: can u explain to me how tour CHI token reduces the gas fee?
as i understand i need to but this token CHI
what i understand is that around 40% fee is cheaper when u have CHI on the wallet.
if i do transaction and i pay for examp 0.02 ETH how much CHI i need to have to reduce transaction for 40%?
the CHI are burn / taken from my account during transaction?

A: 1 unit of CHI will reduce gas used by a transaction by ~18 000 units of gas
Compare what is more efficient - pay for 18 000 of gas, or burn 1 unit of chi. if 1 CHI cost less - then it is efficient to use CHI

Q: is there any limit of gas reduction using CHI? i mean per transaction? Could happen when u have a lot of CHI that u transaction will be gas free?

A; No, ~50% may be compensated at max

Q: whey CHI is burned, is it transferred from my account to miner account or burned completely?